Still "Brent's pile o' stuff" but at least now there are sections.
- Wired details the state of borrowing an ebook from the library with OverDrive, as of December 2011 (not great).
- A new publishing model: Unbound has readers pledge toward a new book, a la the "street performer protocol" (the "threshold pledge system"). Kickstarter is doing this for more than just books.
- We don't need libraries for the same reasons any more. It's time to think about the future of the library, and the librarians who are more valuable and necessary than ever.
- Using OPDS (XML) it's pretty easy to generate a catalog of your ebooks
- Bibliotype (demo): A CSS/HTML/JS template for ebooks, from Craig Mod, a writer on A List Apart
My contact information,
brief autobiography (such as it is), and
family tree.